September 27, 2018

You gotta have this... when interviewing.

We’ve been talking about Interviewing all month long and interviewing can be stressful and frustrating. Hang in there!

You gotta have patience. Patience is probably the best advice I can give to any job seeker. As you organize your search, apply for jobs, and nail the interviews, you must have patience to stay sane and professional in the process. Recruiters are juggling several different candidates for several different positions. They are coordinating schedules with several different hiring managers and juggling emails, voicemails, and random resume drop-offs. Always send a follow-up “thank you” email shortly after your interview that is short, sweet, and reinforces your interest in joining the company. After that, be patient. If you haven’t heard back in two weeks, give the last contact you spoke with a call to ask if you are still being considered. But never ever be a nuisance.

I trust you'll find motivation in the following fun facts:

Shaquem Griffin is the first player with only one hand to be drafted in the NFL. He joins the Seattle Seahawks as a linebacker chosen in the 2018 draft. The odds of making it to      the NFL are exceptionally slim, some reports say between 3% - 5% of NCAA players get drafted so imagine having only one hand and overcoming those odds... WOW. And if this isn't amazing enough; his twin brother, Shaquill, also plays for the same team. Could you imagine what it was like for the two of them, their families, and the fans when he was drafted? I’m sure it made for an extremely emotional NFL moment.

You got this!

Sam Walton was 44 when he started Wal-Mart. The store’s revenue exceeded $500 billion in 2018 with over 270 million weekly customers all over the world ( If you’re worried about your age – being too old to do this or do that. Think again. It’s not too late. I’ve been told by several people that they wish they would have finished college or went after that job. So many people have told me they wished they’d lived in another State to gain different experiences. Do it!

Go for it!

Dr. Seuss’s first children’s book, “And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street” was refused by 27 publishers. ( You can call it determination, persistence, or ceaselessness. He did not give up! I grew up reading his books. Green Eggs and Ham will forever be a part of my childhood, so I’m happy he kept at it. Today, he’s legendary with well over $600 million in books sold.

Don’t quit!

What are your favorite motivational fun facts? Let me know in the comment section. Oh, and in case you missed articles from earlier this month, click here.

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