August 16, 2018

Organizing Your Job Search

Job Seeker during a phone interview says “Sorry, I’ve applied everywhere – who is this again?”

When people need work, desperation can settle in quickly. And with desperation comes an “I’ll take what I can get” or “I just want something different” mindset, and you may fill out what seems like one hundred applications. You may think - the more you submit, the better your chances.

It is not uncommon to apply to multiple opportunities but overdoing it and not having a plan, can really bring on the frustration.

The more applications you complete, the more variations of your resume you should have. Your resume and cover letter should cater to not only the industry you are seeking, but it should align with the company and the specific job you are looking to acquire. More applications also come with more to track like:

  • the companies’ names and each one’s purpose
  • the job duties for every job you submitted for
  • interview dates and times, and
  • hiring managers’ contact information.

The first line of the is article is one I have heard dozens of times. My colleagues agree, hearing this statement and others like it, indicate a candidate’s plea for “just any job” and it is a red flag.

You ever heard of the phrase, “looking for a job is a job itself”? It is! It’s not easy, so you’ll want to do it right. I’ve put together three simple tips for organizing your search.

Tip #1 >>> Goals - Know what you want and where you want to go first.

Usually, before you get in the car or on the train, you know where you are going, or you use the GPS. It makes sense to know where you want to end up first, then you can create a plan to get there. We should apply this same thinking to job hunting. Set aside time to write out your career goals. Think bigger than, “get a job” as a goal. Where do you see yourself in five years? Reflecting on your goals will likely trigger personal goals such as buying a home, paying off student loan debt, or getting a car. Consider all of these things and put it on paper. This is the start to focusing on the quality of your search instead of quantity.

Tip #2 >>> Research the position and company before you apply.

Use company websites and sites like Glassdoor to find out more about the company’s culture and growth potential. Reviews from previous and current employees give you insight into what you can expect if you worked there. Ask yourself: Do the company values match yours and is the job in line with your career goals? Are employees happy there? If you are unhappy at your current job, I strongly encourage you to find work that gives you more balance, but you don’t want to go into another job blindly and end up dealing with the same issues you are facing now. (Better to stick with the evil you know - so to speak). Doing research can narrow down how many applications you are submitting and the amount of things you will need to keep up with. The most important part of this tip is to: only apply for jobs that align with your goals.

Tip #3 >>> Tracking – Keep a list of all the jobs you apply to.

I find this job search tip to be my favorite – and one that has helped many of my clients. It is easy to forget where you have applied, so getting it down on paper in an organized fashion will make the hunting process simpler to manage. I find that a spreadsheet works best for me, but Excel is just one way to do it. You can type it up via a Word doc or write it out. (Just don’t lose the paper; you’ll need to come back to it!) You’ll want to keep track of the important things like: company name, contact information, job title, and where you are in the interview process. A good rule of thumb is to list anything you feel that you would want to know and remember about the job. Here’s a basic example:

This works well if you make updating it a deliberate practice. That's it! Know where you are going, then create a plan to get there. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. #arriveandthrive #BeUnapologeticallyThriving

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