August 30, 2018

3 Things to STOP Doing in Your Job Search

1. STOP being dependent on Job Boards.

Job boards like Indeed, CareerBuilder, and ZipRecruiter are great for finding fresh, new job postings in your field BUT don’t fall into the “Apply Now” trap. Hundreds of thousands of candidates use these popular job boards to find work and if you’re all doing the same thing > submitting your resume directly from the job board and praying for a call back, guess what - your resume is just going into a pile of resumes. You may receive a call back from a resume submitted directly via a job board, but it’s rare.

Strategic job seekers know that you must stand out from everyone else. To stand out, you probably shouldn’t do the most obvious and easiest thing, so I would encourage you to embrace the hustle and do it right.

Make your way to the company’s actual website and complete a full application with your resume attached. That way you can read more about the company, the company culture, the services they provide, and check out all postings listed. Plus, your application will go directly into their Applicant Tracking System (ATS); it's where recruiters can easily process your information when moving you to the next step.

2. STOP putting everything you’ve ever done at every job on your resume.Recruiters take about 7 seconds to skim your resume, so make it easy for them to skim. Use bullets or short one-liner paragraphs to give an overview of your job functions. Tease them enough to want to reach out to you for more information. The other thing to note is… by listing everything you’ve ever done at work on your resume – if something is not listed, recruiters will automatically assume you don’t have that skill (because you didn’t put it in that book of a resume). 😊  

3. STOP forgetting about the other areas that are critical to your job search like…LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, and referrals. Most people focus only on their resume when preparing for the job search. Interviewing is just as important (if not more), so practice this too.

Double-check that your LinkedIn profile matches your resume, tailor your cover letter for each job specifically, reach out to contacts you know at the employers, and start crafting situation-specific examples for the interview in advance.

Start with these 3 STOPS and I think you’ll begin to see a drastic change in your search for the better.

#arriveandthrive #BeUnapologeticallyThriving

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